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SOCW6090 Provide your understanding of DSM-V criteria for the selected mental health disorder as it applies to the character – Assignment Solution

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SOCW6090 Provide your understanding of DSM-V criteria for the selected mental health disorder as it applies to the character – Assignment Solution

You will be writing a scholarly movie paper which will be due on Sunday at 11:59 pm of week 8. The paper should be no less than three pages and double-spaced. You should be using your text book for DSM-V criteria and find two supporting, evidence-based research articles to support your position. The criteria for the paper will be as follows: For this paper, you will select and watch one of the movies listed below. As you are watching, you should choose a character who best meets the DSM-V criteria for mental illness. After you watch the movie, you should look for additional evidence-based research to support or refute Hollywood’s portrayal of the character’s mental illness. You must use APA format to cite and reference. Your paper should contain a cover page and a reference page. Abstracts are not required, writing in first person is expected. In your introduction, summarize the movie’s context and your point of view about the mental illness demonstrated by the character you have chosen. Name your character in your introduction. You do not have to choose a character with a leading role in the movie. Describe in depth, your character’s behaviors, signs and, symptoms which indicate mental illness. For each behavior, sign and symptom you notice provide an example of where you saw this in the movie. What mental illness do you suspect your character has? Provide your understanding of DSM-V criteria for the selected mental health disorder as it applies to the character. You must provide examples from the movie. Use one of your articles to support your suspicion. Is the Hollywood portrayal of the mental health disorder accurate? Demonstrate why or why not by comparing and contrasting the DSM-V criterion to the Hollywood portrayal of your character. Use one of your articles to support or refute the Hollywood portrayal of your character. Choose an appropriate nursing diagnosis for your character with a realistic outcome and four applicable interventions including appropriate medications. In your conclusion, describe how the movie made you feel when considering a client who has mental illness. Did the movie provide you with any additional understanding or ideas on how to care for such clients? Why or why not? Reading Icon 预览文档在新窗口中查看 MOVIE LIST: Finding Nemo G A Beautiful Mind PG-13 Split R Benny & Joon PG Silver Linings R One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest R Rain Man PG-13 What About Bob PG Me, Myself and Irene R What’s Eating Gilbert Grape PG-13 I Am Sam PG-13 Black Swan R Fatal Attraction R Secret Window PG-13 Silence of the Lambs R Sybil NR The Soloist PG-13 The Three Faces of Eve NR Ordinary People R The Royal Tenenbaums R DSM-V criteria

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